Pregnancy – 25 Weeks Update

25 weeks

25 weeks old baby in the womb (google images)

I don’t usually do weekly or even monthly updates but now that I am finally enjoying this pregnancy after 5 months of hypermesis I thought, it is time to review my own pregnancy!

Another reason to write a post is because I feel we have reached a milestone in our pregnancy at 6 months now. Not only can it be very very official, but also the fact that now the baby although has a lot of growing to do still, can be born and yet have a good chance of survival.

From week 20, I could finally start working regularly (my work is walking dogs, it is intensely physical and active job), cooking without gagging and sorts. Christmas was fabulous with just one day of sickness, but nothing major. But what was special around Christmas time was that the belly had popped. I was so pleased that the guests will be able to see my belly!

But last week, I went to a baby shower and a birthday party, where people noticed my bump and I was so pleased! I am finally looking pregnant. I haven’t gained much weight, just gained enough to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight (I’d lost 5 kgs due to hypermesis at the begnning of my pregnancy).

Highlights: Undoubtedly, the kicks! I could personally feel the baby quite early on in the pregnancy around week 14th with those little flutters which could sometimes be confused for trapped wind. But it was around 18th week that we could feel the kicks from both ends, inside and out. Now the kicks are getting even stronger and the baby is taking huge movements. The baby also seems to be very receptive to it’s daddy’s voice and our pooch’s nuzzling.

Being able to cook for my family has been the second best highlight for me this trimester. Being able to cook and eat it is a bonus!

Negatives: There are a few things that bother me these days – First and foremost is my lack of sleep! I am constantly itchy, back in sore and belly is in the way! My mind seems to constantly be active and over-think. So every morning when the alarm goes off, I feel like, ‘Oh but I didn’t sleep at all’.

Second thing that bothers me, is when people look at me ‘obviously pregnant’, but when they find out that I am 6 months pregnant, they say, ‘oh you are tiny’. For goodness sake! I am about to have belly envy!!

Pregnancy brain is the bain of my life at the moment. For someone who is always so organised about her keys and wallet, now spends half an hour looking for them. I was saying to my husband, ‘Do you think like hypermesis, pregnancy brain will go away as soon as the baby pops out?’ to which his response was, ‘Sure and then it will turn into baby brain.’ So I guess I am stuck with forgetfulness for a while now.

Anyhow, although I don’t have any body image issues, never did and hope never will! I am trying to enjoy every bit of my body right now, just incase I chose to complain about my shape post-baby!

Cravings:  For the longest time, I couldn’t eat much and ended up losing a good 5 to 6 kgs. It is only now that I am enjoying food. I don’t have any particular cravings, but spicy food is preferred. But then, I always preferred spicy food, so it could simply mean that I have my apetite back.

One craving I do have is of eating chicken from time to time. I know it is a pregnancy craving because like alcohol, I gave up meat a year or so ago. I still can’t eat more than a few bites of it, and it has to be seasoned really really well. Current favourite hangout is Nandos!

I have been attracted to healthy meals only throughout my pregnancy. I never had cravings for unhealthy greasy or sugary food/drinks. I love love and have always enjoyed eating lots of fruits. But just a week ago, I have particularly started enjoying a little bit of tartness – plums in particular!

Aversions: Ok, there are a couple I think. I have huge aversion towards anything sweet. I never had a sweet tooth but I did enjoy my cup of tea with 3 spoonfuls of sugar and my daily dose of chocolate but now, they could literally make me gag. I am also strangely aversed to drinking tap water, it literally makes me throw up. It has be to Highland’s Spring water, very very cold from the fridge even in this prickling cold winter.


Gender: I could do a whole blog post about the gender of the baby. We haven’t found out the gender, neither do we intend to. There is such a fun element to not knowing. I am totally enjoying the guessing games and the old wives tales that my mother and grandmother keep coming up with, closely investigating the shape of my bump, my belly button to my step-children’s behaviour! Every movement I take apparently tells something about the gender of the baby. So far, popular opinions say it is a GIRL!! But, is it?

Baby Shopping: We have also finally started shopping for the baby. We brought a few clothes,  a whole new kit of cloth nappies to last us a year, baby skincare range and room is semi done! Just need a cot, sling and a pram!

I have to especially thank all of my friends who have been so kind to pass me on some of their babies clothes, bouncy chairs etc. Baby shopping can be so expensive especially when it is your first and you want everything to be new only to realise that the baby kept outgrowing things much quicker than expected!

Yoga and Meditation:  I am pleased to announce that I have started my regular yoga sessions again. I couldn’t practice any form of exercise or meditation with my hypermesis for a long time but I am dedicating my last two trimester to centre myself and prepare my body for the big labour day. I know it is good for me when I feel the baby sway around in my belly with every deep breath I take and kicks to every long stretch that I do!

Few months ago when I was throwing up 25 to 30 times a day, never did I think I would say this but at 6 months now, I can say how quick the time has flown. I will be a mommy in just 3 months time. We are so excited and cannot wait for the little spirit to liven this mad house even more.



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