37 Weeks Pregnancy Update And How I Turned My Baby

copyrights @beachwalkmuse

copyrights @beachwalkmuse

I am officially full term!! Baby can and is allowed to come anytime now. I cannot believe how close we are and that in couple of weeks if not less, we will have our little baby in our arms. Soon I will start grumbling about the lack of sleep, annoy people on instagram and facebook with baby pictures and try not to smell of baby sick all the time 🙂

It is odd to think that this might be my last pregnancy update blog (given I don’t update as frequently as some others do). But honestly, I am looking forward to baby blogging more. So many companies have sent me lovely things for the baby. I cannot wait to feature them on here. I really hope this baby is photogenic!

My past few weeks has been full of ups and downs for us. Up being the fact that the bump has been acting as wild as always. Our kids and we have had a great easter holiday just hanging out together, playing chinese checkers and getting the house ready for the bubba.

Downs were more adventurous for us. Call it bad timing, but my husband lost his job last week. We have no savings so we are actually quite screwed. But he is snowed under with freelance work, so much so that I feel like he is unable to help me out with some preparations that still need doing. I feel grumpy about things easily.

Anyhow, my biggest worry was the baby’s position. I want a homebirth (read all about it here), and I can’t if the baby was not going to co-operate and go head-down. I was and am mentally prepared if things don’t go to plan ofcourse but that does not mean that I won’t make an effort to get things my way.

So off we went for really LONG walks, I boycotted sitting on the sofa and chairs and beds altogether and strictly sat on the birthing ball everytime I sat down. I watched tv whilst doing my inversions (hips and knees on the edge of the sofa and elbows on the floor on a pillow). It was all very painful but worth it. I managed to turn the baby in two weeks time. I believe I knew the exact moment it happened too because it was the biggest churning sensation I felt in my tummy throughout my pregnancy, which was slightly sore and my bump was sore for two days afterwards. I think the baby made a real effort to go head down after being bothered by me. I did attempt my head stand in my yoga routine which I am quite proficient at but the bump is just too big to do it comfortably, so I have given that up for now!

Spinning babies was a very good website. It had great suggestions for turning the baby. Cat/Cow pose in yoga is good to turn the baby’s head down as well. I was going to go for moxibustion, rebozo etc but I did not need to as my midwife very confidently confirmed the position of the baby to have gone head down! Woop Woop!

This was also the very first time that we heard the baby heart beat soooo clearly, unmuffled and easy to find. My wild bump has been very naughty in the past and moved out of position everytime any monitor was stuck on to my belly. This time, it stayed still and my whole family including the kids could hear the heart beat, which was a rather surreal experience for all of us together as a family.

I am going to have a blessingway soon for the baby and me. I look forward to sharing that with all of you here with some lovely pictures.